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New American missile with convential warhead can strike anywhere in less than an hour | As the White House pushes for cuts in the US nuclear arsenal, the Pentagon is developing missiles armed with conventional warheads that could strike anywhere in the world in less than an hour. According to the
Washington Post, American military officials say the intercontinental ballistic
missiles, known as Prompt Global Strike weapons, are a necessary new form of deterrence
against terrorist networks and other adversaries. As envisioned, the conventional
missiles would give the White House a fresh military option to consider in a crisis
that would not result in a radioactive mushroom cloud. The Prompt Global Strike
program, which the Pentagon has been developing for several years, is already
raising hackles in Moscow, where Russian officials predict it could trigger a
non-nuclear arms race and complicate President Obama's long-term vision of ridding
the world of nuclear weapons. U.S. military officials are also struggling to solve
a separate major obstacle: the risk that Russia or China could mistake the launch
of a conventional Prompt Global Strike missile for a nuclear one. The White House
says that development of Prompt Global Strike is not affected by the new Strategic
Arms Reduction Treaty (START), which Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
are scheduled to sign Thursday in Prague. Analysts say, however, that any conventional
ballistic missiles would count the same as nuclear ones under the treaty, which
places new limits on each country's stockpile. Deployment of a conventional ballistic
missile is not expected until 2015 at the earliest. |