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Honour killings, dowry deaths still abundant in Pak: Report | As the world marks International Women's Day on Monday, a Human Rights Commission report in Pakistan has revealed
some horrific statistics about women rights violations throughout the country. The report reveals that at least 9,670 women have been killed only in Punjab for
honour killings and property disputes for the last five years. Out of 9,670 women,
immediate relatives including husbands, brothers, fathers and others killed 1,638
ladies. The report also claims that about 8,041 women were killed due to property
and other such issue, and about 3,379 women were killed for not bringing dowry
with them and asking for their rights. "They were either killed by setting them
on fire or by acid throwing, while hundreds of women who are facing Karokari,
other such honour killings and infamous Hudood Ordinance charges in the jails
of the country are still to be heard," The Nation quoted the Human Rights
Report, as saying. Meanwhile, the Press United to Serve Humanity (PUSH), a
non-profit consortium of journalists working for freedom of Press and protection
of human rights, said though the Pakistan Government has taken some steps to
the status of women and protect their rights, violence against them is abundant
in Pakistan. The NGO has also demanded for the implementation of laws for
protection of women rights in letter and spirit. |