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US vulnerable to long-range air-borne missile strikes: Panel | The United States' defence against missile attacks has shortcomings. It is vulnerable to long-range air-borne strikes. A panel of top scientists and military experts, the group working for the National Research Council, weighed in on the US's overall plans for defeating missile attacks. The panel suggested that President Barack Obama should shift course by expanding a system he inherited from President George W. Bush and set aside the final part of an antimissile strategy he unveiled in 2009 that could set up the nation's defenses to better defeat the kinds of long-range missiles that Iran may be developing. Chartered by Congress to give scientific and technical advice to the US government, the 16-person panel consists of scientists, engineers and weapons experts from universities, research groups and national laboratories, which deal with nuclear arms, the New York Times reports.
According to the paper, in its highly technical, 260-page report, the panel recommended an overhaul that would make the antimissile system "far more effective," including adding new sensors and interceptor rockets, as well as an additional base in Maine or upstate New York from which interceptors could be fired. The report said that domestic defenses in place could probably handle crude missiles fired from North Korea , but nothing more sophisticated. It called the current generation of antimissile arms "fragile" and full of "shortcomings that limit their effectiveness against even modestly improved threats," the paper said. The panel would now undo part of Obama's shift and strengthen Bush's antimissile approach, creating more of a hybrid, the paper added. The report looked ahead a decade or more to what it calls the "likely development" of Iranian missiles designed to rain warheads down on the United States.