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Ruling allows armed soldiers' deployment in Germany for first time since Nazis | A court in Germany made a landmark ruling, permitting armed soldiers to be
deployed in the country, for the first time since the days of the Nazis. The Constitutional Court
in Karlsruhe said armed soldiers could only be turned out in 'exceptional cases to prevent
threats to the state' but never against demonstrators. According to the Daily
Mail, it also said that the particular threat would have to be of 'catastrophic
proportions', in order to get troops from their barracks. Interestingly, the ruling
also forbade the deployment of fighter jets of the Bundeswehr to intercept and
shoot down suspected hijacked airliners, even if they threatened to kill large
numbers of people on the ground, the paper said. According to the paper, Germany
has become more and more militarily engaged abroad since the 9/11 attacks and
has a considerable detachment of servicemen currently in Afghanistan . It also
recently dropped its requirement for all young men to do national service and
is now a purely professional army, like Britain, the paper added.