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New species can evolve in around 6,000 years |
A new species can emerge much faster than previously thought – in as little as 6,000
years– according to a study of Australian sea stars. The sea stars Cryptasterina
hystera and C. pentagona are close relatives with very different ways of reproducing
but difficult to tell apart. Researchers at the University of California in Davis
(UCD) revealed that the species separated just a few thousand years ago. “That’s
unbelievably fast compared to most organisms,” said Rick Grosberg, professor of
evolution and ecology at UC Davis and co-author on the paper describing the finding.
Grosberg is interested in how new species arise in the ocean. On land, groups
of plants and animals can be physically isolated by mountains or rivers and then
diverge until they can no longer interbreed even if they meet again. But how does
this isolation happen in the wide-open ocean? Grosberg and colleagues studied
two closely related “cushion stars,” Cryptasterina pentagona and C. hystera, living
on the Australian coast. The animals are identical in appearance but live in different
regions: Hystera occurs on a few beaches and islands at the far southern end of
the range of pentagona. And their sex lives are very, very different. Pentagona
has male and female individuals that release sperm and eggs into the water where
they fertilize, grow into larvae and float around in the plankton for a few months
before settling down and developing into adult sea stars. Hystera are hermaphrodites
that brood their young internally and give birth to miniature sea stars ready
to grow to adulthood. “It’s as dramatic a difference in life history as in any
group of organisms,” Grosberg said. The researchers looked at the diversity in
DNA sequences from sea stars of both species and estimated the length of time
since the species diverged. The results showed that the species separated about
6,000 to 22,000 years ago. That rules out some ways new species could evolve.
For example, they clearly did not diverge slowly with genetic changes over a long
period of time, but were isolated quickly. Over the last 11,000 years, the boundary
between cold and warm water in the Coral Sea has fluctuated north and south. A
small population of the ancestral sea stars, perhaps even one individual, might
have colonized a remote area at the southern end of the range then been isolated
by one of these changes in ocean currents. The study was recently published in
the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.