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Professional boxers develop neuropsychiatric sequelae |
Scientists at the Technical University Munich are questioning if boxing can cause severe damage to a player's brain. 20 percent of professional boxers develop neuropsychiatric
sequelae. The study, which evaluated boxers' health in the past 10 years yielded
the following results: The most relevant acute consequence is the knock-out, which
is related to cerebral concussion. They are also at a high risk for acute injuries
to the head, heart, and skeleton. Subacute consequences after being knocked out
include persistent symptoms such as headaches, impaired hearing, nausea, unstable
gait, and forgetfulness. And repeated cerebral trauma may result in boxer's dementia
- similar to Alzheimer's. With regard to the health risks, a clear difference
exists between professional boxing and amateur boxing. While amateurs undergo
regular examinations and in advance of boxing matches, and in advance of boxing
matches while professionals subject themselves to their fights without such protective
measures. In view of the risk for injuries that may result in impaired cerebral
performance in the short or long term, similar measures would be advisable in
the professional setting too. The study appears in the current issue of Deutsches
Ă„rzteblatt International (Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010.