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Good-looking couples likelier to have daughters: Study | A new study has shown that attractive couples are more likely to have daughters as compared to plainer parents. Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics and author of Ten Politically
Incorrect Truths about Human Nature, also argues that beauty is a stronger predictor of reproductive success for women than men. 17,000 babies born in Britain in March
1958 were followed up at various points in their lives, including at age seven,
when they were rated as attractive or unattractive by their teachers, and at 45,
when they were asked to record the age and sex of their children. Kanazawa found
that while the children who were rated as attractive - 84 per cent of the sample
- were equally likely to have a son or a daughter as their first child, the unattractive
children were more likely to have sons. “Physical attractiveness is one of the
strongest determinants of women’s mate value,” the Courier Mail quoted him as
saying. He believes that the trend could be driven by the relative value of
in men and women. Men tend to rate attractiveness in women as important when
both long-term relationships and casual affairs. However, women tend to rate physical
attractiveness highly only for short-term relationships, ranking traits such as
wealth and status as more important in the long term. The study is to be published
in the journal Reproductive Sciences.