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Paranormal expert claims ghosts are using cell phones to contact friends | A paranormal expert in Britain has claimed that ghosts are trying to contact the living through mobile phones, with the number of mystery calls attributed to them rising by 43 percent in the last four years.
Phil Hayes, a spectre investigator from Paranormal Research UK, believes a third
of all haunting are now through mobile phones. "There is evidence to suggest that
ghosts can use phones to communicate, with reports of people receiving phone calls
from deceased relatives," the Sun quoted Hayes as saying. According to him, the
calls often feature heavy static and the voice sounds faint and distant, and nine
in ten show as "withheld number" or "000000000000" on caller ID. Statistics show
two thirds of all paranormal phenomena feature sounds, with just 20 percent being
actual sightings of ghosts and 15 percent based on smell. The study by Tesco Mobile
revealed Paranormal Research UK have seen a 70 percent upsurge in paranormal evidence
in the last year due to people using their phones. "We'd recommend those brave
enough to capture any spooky sightings should MMS or email their pics to the paranormal
society for investigation," Lance Batchelor, CEO of Tesco Mobile said. "Keep your
camera phone on the highest quality resolution setting and use the recorder to
capture the noise of any spectral sounds," he added.