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Jammu and Kashmir Situation: All Party Parliamentary Delegation – Part I | When the All Party Parliamentary Delegation (APPD) visits Srinagar , it will see slogans like ‘Go India Go’; or
‘Indian Dogs, Go Back’, and ‘Azadi’ plastered on the walls. They will also be greeted with such slogans in order to drive home the point and to create a lasting
impression on them that the entire Kashmir Valley , if not the state, is against
the continued presence of India and Indians. Against such a backdrop, the delegation
would do well to start by turning the clock back and recalling the words of the
tallest Kashmiri leader of modern times, Sheikh Abdullah. On December 3, 19 48
at a function of the Gandhi Memorial College at Jammu , Abdullah said: “Kashmiris
would rather die following the footsteps of Gandhiji than accept the two-nation
theory. We want to link the destiny of Kashmir with India , because we feel that
the ideal before India and Kashmir is one and the same.” The ideals that Abdullah
referred to were primarily secularism and democracy. In his opening address to
the Constituent Assembly on November 5, 19 51, he noted: “The real character of
a state is revealed in its Constitution. The Indian Constitution has set before
the country the goal of a secular democracy based upon justice, freedom and
for all without distinction. This is the bedrock of modern democracy. This should
meet the argument that the Muslims of Kashmir cannot have security in India ,
where the large majority of the population are Hindus..... The Indian Constitution
has amply and finally repudiated the concept of a religious State which is a
to medievalism........The national movement in our State naturally gravitates
towards these principles of secular democracy.” On Pakistan , he noted: “The most
powerful argument that can be advanced in her favour is that Pakistan is a Muslim
state, and, a big majority of our people being Muslims the State must accede to
Pakistan . This claim of being a Muslim State is of course only a camouflage.
It is a screen to dupe the common man, so that he may not see clearly that Pakistan
is a feudal State in which a clique is trying by these methods to maintain itself
in power...........Right-thinking men would point out that Pakistan is not an
organic unity of all the Muslims in this subcontinent. It has, on the contrary,
caused the dispersion of Indian Muslims for whom it was claimed to have been
On Independence , he said: “I would like to remind you that from August 15 to
October 22, 19 47, our state was independent and the result was that our weakness
was exploited by the neighbour with invasion. What is the guarantee that in future
too we may not be victims of a similar aggression.” From Sheikh Abdullah trying
to preserve Kashmir’s secular foundations, from his optimism and enthusiasm for
India to the ‘Azadi’ and pro-Pak slogans of today, has indeed been a long journey
Reams and volumes have been written about what went wrong during the last six
decades, about Kashmiri grievances, about the dilution of autonomy, about rigged
elections, about the overbearing presence of the security forces, about the
fear stalking the streets, about massive corruption, about no real economic
despite transfusion of huge funds, poor governance by successive state governments.
And so on. The APPD would obviously not have the time or opportunity to look into
all of these issues. What they could, however do, is to take stock of the situation
and determine, as Sonia Gandhi put it so poignantly, why are they so angry with
us. This would involve, above all, listening, a trait politicians are not very
good at. However, individually and collectively, they need to put the urge of
listening to their own voices in cold storage during the visit. They need to feel
the pain of mothers and fathers who have lost young ones, understand the fear
that stalks the streets, for the civil population as well as the security forces,
empathise with Gen Next, who have known nothing else but the strong-hand
and the ugly face of India . Just listen, learn and absorb. Don’t offer half-baked
prescriptions and solutions. If anything, bond with the grief and frustration
in an emotional package that has at its centre, compassion and sensitivity that
restores human dignity. Understand the hurt, the anger at repeated humiliations,
and accept that it can’t be healed in a day, but that just by connecting with
a disillusioned generation a beginning can be made. There will be a lot of talk
about the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA). Paradoxically, it is both a
non-issue and fundamental to finding that elusive starting point for talks. It
is a non-issue because neither is it the cause of the long lingering problem nor
is it a solution. It is a Constitutional instrument used by the government in
a specific situation. It has legal and security implications that have been detailed
so many times that it doesn’t need repetition here. However, the fate of the AFPSA
is fundamental to the debate because more than legal or political, it has become
a political issue. Like the slogan of azadi, AFPSA has caught the imagination
of the political establishment and the people as the one issue whose repeal will
demonstrate Indian sincerity and willingness to be flexible. More importantly,
it will give the mainstream political parties, some lever with which to go back
to the streets in order to mobilise supporters. Hence, the call on AFPSA has to
be political. The question is whether, on balance, its repeal will be seen as
a victory for the separatists, a sign of the Indian government bowing down to
pressure and the implication that if pressure is sustained, azadi too will be
conceded. Or, will it be seen as demonstrating sincerity, taking that first important
step towards defusing the situation and giving the mainstream parties something
substantive with which to gear themselves to fight the long battle ahead. Consisting
of seasoned politicians, the APPD should be able to make this all important political