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Secret behind 100-year old Mr Binge's long life: A glass of whisky every day! | Centenarian Ted Binge, a former railwayman who lives in Armana House Care Centre in York with wife Irene, 91, swears a tot of whisky everyday is the secret of his long life. The great-great grandfather gets through half
a bottle of whisky every week. He has a glass in the morning and another before
bedtime. Binge, who has been taking his daily nip for 82 years, celebrated his
landmark birthday last week, reports The Daily Express. Ted said: "It's beautiful,
wonderful stuff. I love it. It's never done me any harm, maybe they should put
it on prescription. "I had my first taste of it as a young man, when I had a bit
of a cold and my father gave me a nip of whisky saying, 'that will make you feel
better'. "It did the trick and I liked it, so I started having a glass on a morning.
I like it straight, as it should be. I always say work as long as you can because
it's good for you. I love to have a laugh and a joke, sometimes a bit of a sing,
it keeps you going." His daughter June Ogden, 67, said: "He's wonderful, the whole
family love him to bits. He has had a hard life, he lifted heavy sleepers on the
railways for 37 years. But you would never know it to look at him, he's barely
got any wrinkles. "My parents have rooms next to each other, it's lovely that
they can be together. She always goes to bed earlier than him and in the morning
she says 'have you been out on the town drinking whisky again?'. "She only lets
him have a little tot in the morning, but when she goes to bed he sneaks in another
quick glass." Ted's favourite whisky is Bell 's but he is also partial to Glenfiddich
or Glenmorangie. |