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Pranab earmarks Rs 1,37,674 crore for social sector | Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, Friday increased the spending on social sector to Rs.1,37,674 crore. Presenting the annual Budget in the Lok Sabha, Mukherjee said the spending on social sector has been gradually
to Rs.1,37,674 crore and now stands at 37 per cent of the total plan outlay in
2010-11. "Another 25 per cent of the plan allocations are devoted to the
of rural infrastructure," he added. Mukherjee, further said that with growth and
the opportunities that it generates, the Government hopes to further strengthen
the process of inclusive development. Mukherjee has stated that to reach the benefits
of banking services to the 'Aam Aadmi', the Reserve Bank of India had set up a
High Level Committee on the Lead Bank Scheme. "After careful assessment of the
recommendations of this Committee, and in further consultation with the RBI, it
has been decided to provide appropriate Banking facilities to habitations having
population in excess of 2000 by March, 2012," he said. The Budget also proposed
to extend insurance and other services to the targeted beneficiaries. These services
will be provided using the Business Correspondent and other models with
technology back up. By this arrangement, it is proposed to cover 60,000 habitations.
In 2007-08 the Government had set up a Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF) and a
Inclusion Technology Fund (FITF) in the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD) to reach banking services to the unbanked areas. To give
momentum to the pace of financial inclusion, the Finance Minister has proposed
an augmentation of Rs. 100 crore for each of these funds, which shall be contributed
by Government of India, Reserve bank of India (RBI) and NABARD. |