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Girls protest against anti-Islam film in Kashmir | Hundreds of burqa-clad girls staged a protest against the alleged anti-Islam film that portrays Prophet Mohammad in bad light, here on Saturday. The protest held in
a primary school here had girls from all age-brackets wearing black, white and
green burqas, holding placards and banners, and raising slogans against the US
and the makers of the film. “This movie that has been made is outrageous and intolerable
because when Fatima az-Zahra Rade-ul-anha (Prophet Mohammad's daughter) was about
to depart from this world, she requested Prophet to take out her funeral procession
and perform her burial in the dark. This depicts that she was a very traditional
and pious woman. Even after her death she would not tolerate that any unknown
men would see the glimpse of her corpse. Today, a film has been made on that same
Fatima az-Zahra Rade-ul-anha; it has hurt the sentiments of all the Muslim women
and it is intolerable,” said Firdousa, one of the protesters. The 13-minute English-language
short film, which was filmed in California , portrays Prophet Mohammad engaged
in crude and offensive behaviour. The amateurish production, titled the 'Innocence
of Muslims' and originating in the United States , portrays Prophet as a homosexual
and a child abuser, and shows him in a sexual act with a woman. Muslims across
the globe are questioning why did the US fail to take action against the producers
of the film. |