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Google rejects US request to remove anti-Islam film | Internet search giant Google has refused to remove the anti-Islamic movie from YouTube. The firm's decision came after the White House requested for the trailer for 'Innocence of Muslims' to be reviewed under the company's policies. The company determined that the video was within guidelines, Fox News reports. "However, we've restricted access to
it in countries where it is illegal such as India and Indoesia, as well as in
Libya and Egypt given the very sensitive situation sin these two countries," the
report quoted a Google spokeswoman, as saying. The trailer for 'Innocence of Muslims'
has been used as a rallying cry by those attacking U.S. embassies and consulates
around the world. Several top lawmakers, however, think that the film was used
as a cover to execute a pre-planned attack on American officials, in the case of the deadly attack on the consulate in Libya. |