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Why no Whites killed at Marikana mine shooting, asks ANC | Why no Whites were killed in the Marikana shootout, asks the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL). “We must be worried that 100 percent of those shot were Black,” acting ANC Youth League president Ronald Lamola said. According to news 24, Lamola was speaking at the 21st anniversary of the South African Student’s Congress (SASCO) in Durban. He said that South Africa should be worried that there were ‘so few’ whites and Indians in the student movements. “When SASCO was formed 21-years ago white and Indian students participated in it”, he said. “Where are those students? In a non-racial movement, this should worry us. We must be able to see a rainbow nation everywhere,” he added. “The ongoing inequality in the economy was preventing the country from becoming a true rainbow nation because white males were in control”, Lamola said, adding: “The ruling class is still dominated by white people”. According to the report, Lamola welcomed the judicial inquiry into the Marikana incident, but urged it to investigate the extent of Lonmin’s profit. On 16 August, 34 striking miners were shot dead by police at the Lonmin mine in the North West province. Lamola also insisted that the ‘recruitment strategy’ of Lonmin needed to be closely looked at.