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Japan will need ¥50 trillion in renewable energy to eliminate nuclear power | Japan will have to invest 50 trillion Yen in renewable energy by 2030 if the nuclear power is completely phased out, a Government report estimated.
The estimates were presented at a meeting to discuss future energy policy that was attended by National Policy Minister Motohisa Furukawa and other key members of the Cabinet.
The report also predicted that households in Japan would see their monthly energy bills, including gas and other sources, nearly double if the phaseout goal is to be reached by 2030, rising to as high as 32,243 Yen on average, compared with 16,900 Yen in 2010.
Furukawa said the government would finish drawing up the new energy plan "by the end of this week or early next week."
Under the phaseout scenario, the nation's energy to be generated from solar, wind and other renewable sources would need to rise to 350 billion kwh in 2030 from 106 billion kwh in 2010 to cover the loss of nuclear power.
If reliance on nuclear power is reduced to 15 percent in 2030, the government said, 40 trillion Yen in investments would probably be needed to increase output from renewable energy sources to 300 billion kwh. In that case, the average monthly household energy bill would probably rise to as high as 29,290 Yen, the government said.
The government also pointed out that even if nuclear power is taken off the board, disposing of the spent nuclear fuel stored in Aomori Prefecture and at the nation's nuclear plants will remain a pressing question.