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Standard Chartered exposed US to terrorists by its money laundering scheme in Iran | Banking giant Standard Chartered has been accused of exposing the US to terrorists and criminals after it emerged that the bank 'schemed' to bypass American anti-money laundering sanctions and process 250 billion dollars of transactions on behalf of Iranian clients. New
York's top financial regulator accused Standard Chartered of systematically disguising
foreign exchange deals with Iran in a breach of controls that potentially opened
up the US banking system to 'terrorists and drug kingpins and corrupt regimes'.
Benjamin Lawsky, superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial
Services (DFS), in a 27-page report claimed that Standard Chartered Bank (SCB)
"operated as a rogue institution", and that the bank's group directors in London
were complicit, the Telegraph reports. According to the paper, in October 2006,
the head of the bank's American operations "sent a panicked message to the group
executive director in London " saying that the bank's handling of Iranian clients
could cause "catastrophic reputational damage". The unnamed director allegedly
replied, "You f****** Americans. Who are you to tell us, the rest of the world,
that we're not going to deal with Iranians." DFS's order to revoke the bank's
licence triggered a six percent drop in Standard Chartered's share price in the
minutes left before the markets closed, the paper said. The order claimed that
Standard Chartered devised a system to disguise the identity of Iranian client
transactions in a deliberate effort to bypass US anti-money laundering defences,
it added. Meanwhile, Standard Chartered, has said that they are conducting a review
of its historical US sanctions compliance and is discussing that review with US
enforcement agencies and regulators. "The Group cannot predict when this review
and these discussions will be completed or what the outcome will be," it added.