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Nirupama stresses increasing importance of public diplomacy in international relations | Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao said here on Friday that public diplomacy is the vehicle for dissemination of the ideas, interests, concepts, and the approaches
that define our foreign policy. Addressing the inaugural session of 'Public Diplomacy
in the Information Age', here, Rao said: "Public diplomacy is the vehicle for
dissemination of the ideas, the interests, the concepts, and the approaches that
define our foreign policy and the defence of our national interest as we further
our bilateral relationships and our policies in multilateral forums. "Our public
diplomacy division in the External Affairs Ministry is four years of age, but
the tradition of public outreach, and interpretation of foreign policy positions
to the people of India and the world beyond, is ingrained in our conditioning
as diplomats who are citizens of a staunchly democratic nation," he added. Nirupama
Rao pointed out that public diplomacy relies as much on the spoken word as the
written word, and said: "By the very definition of this strand of diplomacy, it
depends on clarity of presentation, the ability to persuade, to influence, and
to mould opinions in a manner that is not propaganda but rather presents the case
for any given aspect of foreign policy in a clear manner. "Public diplomacy is
also a process of reinvention for many of us as bureaucrats - because of the value
it places on communication skills and the need to feel the popular pulse," she
added. She further said that the face of Indian diplomacy is acquiring a new expression
today with our growing capability to partner a number of countries in our neighbourhood,
in Africa, in South-east Asia, and the Caribbean in socio-economic development.
"We see the need for audiences abroad particularly to be made more aware of our
technical and economic cooperation programmes and our grant assistance and concessional
Lines of Credit to a number of countries," she said. "We have traditionally tended
to adopt a fairly conservative approach towards publicising our own work and this,
almost by default, leaves the field open for negative stories of which there is
never a dearth," she added. Nirupama Rao said that it was vital that India started
building credible and engaging narratives about the positive work done by the
country. "These would not only provide global audiences with a perspective of
the geographical spread and impact of our development partnerships but also afford
our own public and Parliament with an appreciation of our activities, " he added.
Pointing out that public diplomacy was no abstract term, Nirupama Rao said: "It
is a real world phenomenon, and, it overlaps with our cultural diplomacy, the
promotional work that our chambers of business and industry engage in to promote
Brand India, and the work of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry, the Ministries
of Culture and of Tourism."