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UK Muslim mob threatens to fly black flag of Islam over Downing Street, White House | Hate-filled Muslim extremists have vowed to fly the
black flag of Islam above Downing Street, the official residence of the British Prime Minister, and the White House, the official residence of the US President,
in protest over the imprisonment of cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed in Lebanon. Omar
Bakri Mohammed is currently serving a life sentence for training and fundraising
for al-Qaida. Bakri has been banned from Britain since 2006. The Daily Express
quoted Abu Saalihah, a student of Bakri's, as saying: "We will not rest until
the black flag of Islam is flown over the White House and 10 Downing Street."
The demonstration took place outside the Lebanese embassy in London. Preacher
Anjem Choudhary, 43, who organised the demonstration, said: "Lebanon is a very
divided country. There is a very real chance that Sunni Muslims in that country
will do everything they can to free Omar Bakri, even physically."