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Levi Johnston fares worse than Sarah Palin on TV interview with same questions | If you thought Sarah Palin was disastrous in her infamous
interview with Katie Couric two years ago, then you should see Levi Johnston answering the same questions in a tete-a-tete in TV. When MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell interviewed the 20-year-old about his plans to run for the Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, on Tuesday night, he asked the same questions Couric posed to Palin in 2008. And the verdict
is— Johnston is worse than the former Vice Presidential candidate. If you can
believe it, saying he doesn't watch or read much news, he doesn't "know a whole
lot" about politics and doesn't believe global warming is caused by humans. When
asked what newspapers he read regularly, Johnston said he occasional reads the
Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman, a semiweekly newspaper that's headquartered in Wasilla.
"I'm not gonna sit here and tell you I read a whole lot of newspapers. I don't
get The New York Times, I don't watch a lot of news. I don't watch TV that often,"
the New York Daily News quoted the hockey and hunting fan as saying. Palin infamously
could not name a single newspaper she regularly reads during her run for vice
president, telling Couric, "Um, all of them." Johnston, who was briefly engaged
to former Alaska governor's daughter, Bristol , announced that he would run for
mayor in August. He is starring in a reality show ‘Loving Levi: The Road to the
Mayor's Office’, which will be based on Johnston as he tries to balance his life,
run for office and being a father to his and Bristol Palin's son Tripp. While
Johnston was able to concretely answer about his beliefs on the morning after
pill, if he supported a moratorium on foreclosures to help Americans keep their
homes, and if the U.S. should negotiate with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he still struggled
on most questions. When O'Donnell asked if evolution should be taught as an accepted
scientific principle or one of several theories, he said: "You're kind of getting
over my head on these things here." When asked if additional troops in Afghanistan
would improve conditions, Johnston replied: "I have no idea." The former Playgirl
model acknowledged his interview was subpar. "I'll be better next time. I promise,"
he said, smiling.